Bat, Olitiau

Mythtical monster originating from Cameroonian and Congolese folklore.

A venomous clawed bat. Olitiaus live in tree-top colonies near rivers. They hunt at night by biting their preys and waiting for their venom to take effect. A small carnivorous beast.

Imagine a white-furred bat the size of a dog with sharp claws coming out of its ochre, suede-like wings.

Hit Points: 4 Armor: none
Hit it: normal Dodge it: normal
Movement: fly fast Size: small
→ How to read monster stats

It can hear very well, allowing it to easily spot their preys in the dark, even invisible ones.

Attacks (1/round)

Deadly Rake. The olitiau makes a melee attack (1 dmg), on a hit the target is infected with its deadly venom.

Tame It

If you have captured this beast, you can spend the equivalent of 1 bag of gold in food between two adventures to tame it. It is now one of your followers. Each extra bag of gold spent training the beast teaches it a one-word order. Otherwise, it only acts to eat or in self-defence.

Hunt It

Olitiaus are cute enough to be pets, but the most valuable part of their body is their venom.

If you have access to an artisan and a workshop, you can spend loot between two adventures to create something with parts of the beast. The object you craft can be anything mostly made of the provided materials. It will have the value of what you invest in it. Discuss what you want with the referee.

Olitiau Swarm

Hit Points 18 Armor: 0
Hit it: easy Dodge it: special
Movement: fly fast Size: large swarm

It can hear very well, allowing it to easily spot their preys in the dark, even invisible ones.

In a swarm, creatures resist single target attacks. However, they take double damage from area of effect attacks.

Attacks (1/round)

Rake. To dodge a swarm’s attack, roll above 10 + the swarm’s HP. On a hit the target takes damage (1D4) and must save vs poison or start dying.

The Lair

Number : 1 Swarm Lair : A huge, sprawling willow with 4D6 sleeping olitiaus.
Desire : Easy Preys & Big arboreal shelters

A basic dungeon thematic room.

To fill a dungeon room.

What it is doing.

Written on November 14, 2020